The Recalibration Effect is a science-backed program designed by Rose  specifically for professional women to uncover and heal unprocessed emotional trauma that is causing physical pain.

Recalibration Effect

To turn off the physical pain signals, the Recalibration Effect employs a holistic suite of tools to identify and heal unprocessed emotional trauma at a multidimensional level - from the mind, body, and energy to recalibrate the system from survival mode to safety.

The program utilizes pain reprocessing techniques, somatic body-based practices, nervous system resilience, deep emotional trauma processing, inner child work, EFT tapping — all expertly woven into an effective program to free you from pain as quickly as possible.

This isn’t a checklist, and it isn’t a magic pill. This journey demands depth, expert guidance, and a flexible personalized approach. 

This 6 month group program includes:
  • Weekly group coaching calls
  • Recalibration Effect curriculum with all of the tools, techniques, and exercises that you will use on your healing journey
  • Client WhatsApp group (unlimited texts and voicemails)

Investment: $7,000 - payment plans available

Book Exploration Call

Bespoke 1:1 Experience designed to accelerate your transformation

1:1 mentorship

Rose offers 1:1 Mentorship (limited spots available) for those who want to accelerate their transformation and pain recovery journey.

Mentorship includes access to everything you get in the Recalibration Effect group program, PLUS:


This 6 month program includes:
  • 2-hour deep dive onboarding with Rose to start your journey
  • 3 1:1 coaching sessions with Rose every month
  • 1 2-day in-person retreat (hosted in Europe)
  • Bespoke exercises created and recorded specifically for you
  • WhatsApp Support (unlimited texts and voicemails with Rose)
  • Bonus - Access to Group Coaching Calls (women only) and connection to Client-Only WhatsApp group

Investment: $18,000 - payment plans available

Here's your roadmap to living pain-free

Physiology of Recalibration out of pain

Increase your capacity to work through emotional trauma without triggering a survival response. Cultivate emotional security to stabilize your system into safety with meditation and nervous system regulation tools.

Expanding window of tolerance

Healing the root of pain: emotional trauma

Identify, release, and sooth survival energy. Learn to work with your emotional survival armor to effectively release overactive survival mechanisms and turn off the pain signals in your brain.

ROARIA: Soothing survival energy

Create an emotionally safe internal and external environment through reconnecting to your voice and ensuring that your needs are met. Cultivate confident communication and boundary setting skills to create the safety you deserve.


Reset your internal and external life from survival-motivated safety seeking to confidence and connection. Cultivate the life that you've always wanted - free from pain, in your highest expression and impact in your life and in the world.

embody your pain-free audacious life

Heal trauma at a multidimensional level - releasing it from your mind, body and energy. Utilize pain reprocessing, EFT tapping, emotional processing, somatic techniques, and embodiment tools.

Lay your doubts to rest. Understand how unprocessed emotional trauma is causing your physical pain. Deep dive into neuroplasticity, nervous system regulation, and pain science to analytically integrate that your pain is real and truly curable.

Recalibration Effect

Recalibration Effect
-group program-

The Recalibration Effect is designed specifically for professional women to heal the emotional pain that is causing physical pain in their bodies.

Recalibration effect
1:1 mentorship

what recalibration effect™ clients are saying:

"When I joined the program I just wanted to be able to do household chores, and live my daily life without pain. In January I went skiing with my son! I never thought I would run again, nevermind ski!"

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