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Don’t forget to check out the FAQ section below, it may just save you an email!

frequently Asked Questions

Is this program only for women?

The current group program is only for women. Why? Because of emotional safety. Sadly, many women have experienced trauma with men, so to ensure a safe healing environment, the group program is available to those identifying as women. If you do not identify as a woman, check out my 1:1 mentorship!

Can you guarantee that I will be pain-free in 6 months?

Most of my clients see a significant shift in the first 4-6 weeks of the program. That said, everyone responds to these techniques differently, depending on where you are when you start, how much energy you devote to this approach, and your mindset as you move through the process. You can expect to see dramatic shifts in your symptoms and to have a roadmap to continue your healing journey, even beyond 6 months. Some clients feel complete after 6 months, and some chose to continue our work together - even after they are symptom-free - to continue the emotional healing and growth.

What if I'm not sure if my symptoms are really neuroplastic and curable?

You should also check with a medical professional to ensure that there is nothing that requires treatment before you start any healing journey. If you've ruled out a fracture, tumor, pain from cancer, rheumatoid arthritis, auto-immune disease, and clearly diagnosed nerve damage and you are still in pain, then you're in the right place.

I have an auto-immune disease. Will this still help me?

While the Recalibration Effect program will not treat the underlying disease, these techniques and tools will help you greatly increase your quality of life and better manage your symptoms. Especially if you notice that the symptoms are worse with stress, this program will be a game changer for you.

Recalibration Effect

Recalibration Effect
-group program-

The Recalibration Effect is designed specifically for professional women to heal the emotional pain that is causing physical pain in their bodies.

Recalibration effect
1:1 mentorship