client success stories

if they can recover from pain caused by unprocessed emotional trauma, so can you.


Meet Caitlyn and Anne. Both struggled for years with pain in their bodies, before doing the deep transformational work of recalibrating their mind and bodies from survival mode back to safety. They share vulnerably about their healing journeys, and what almost stopped them.


Liz struggled with back pain, as well as a host of symptoms - some attributed to Lyme Disease. She traveled to doctors all over the country to try to fix the pain - and nothing worked until she started to address the root - a dysregulated nervous system and stuck emotions. She went from fearing going to the grocery store to skiing - free from pain. Explore her healing journey!


Anne struggled with all over body pain for years - feeling like she was giving up more and more of her life to try to avoid flaring the pain. Now, Anne is back to playing piano and driving in the car without fear! Explore her healing journey!


Alli suffered from chronic hip pain for over a decade before joining Beyond Pain. Explore her story of finding freedom from pain - and getting back to running again!


Gracie suffered from low back pain on and off for years. As a physical therapist, she had tried everything to fix the pain - but nothing worked. Explore her story of discovering the root of her pain cycle - and how she broke free from pain.


Caitlyn suffered from years of chronic migraines - which for her showed up as constant chronic pain in her head. After going from doctor to doctor, only to be told she would have to manage the migraines forever - she is finally pain-free and living her life full out. Explore her healing process!


Cindy struggled with neck pain for years - as well as intense fear and anxiety about the pain. She wanted to enjoy traveling with her husband - but she constantly feared being out of reach of a chiropractor. Explore Cindy’s journey to finding freedom from pain.

Let's work together to help you navigate out of a life of pain and into a life of freedom!

If you are struggling with chronic pain or other nervous system related symptoms, I am here to help. You can find more information about my work as well as a FREE TRAINING and other resources below:

let's work together