I'm Rose, your pain recovery specialist

I know what it's like to only half show up for your life because of pain... even though on the outside, everything looks fine.

For 8 years, I didn't know that my physical knee and back pain was caused by unprocessed emotional trauma. I went from doctor to doctor, trying everything from chiropractors to acupuncture to meditation to a never ending series of injections. I stretched, I slept on a heating pad. I tried sleeping on the floor. I drank enormous amounts of tumeric and supplements. Long story short, nothing worked to cure my pain.

Doctors had differing opinions - misaligned hips, tight muscles, damaged tendons, deteriorated cartilage, arthritis in my spine, tarlov cysts... but no doctor could explain why I was in SO MUCH pain, and no one could help me.

I felt so conflicted. A part of me was determined to cure my pain for good. Another part of me was trying to resign myself to the life I was living - by day directing a large international public health team in West Africa, by night lying in pain on a heating pad.

One day, I saw a post on Instagram that claimed you could cure chronic pain. Angry, I clicked on the ad. How dare someone tell ME that pain was curable, when I had been trying everything under the sun for over 8 years?

Clicking that ad was my first step on understanding that my physical pain wasn't caused by physical damage. The pain was caused by unprocessed emotional trauma - and was completely curable. After 5 weeks of investing in deep emotional healing work, I had my first moments free from pain.

After recovering fully from pain, I spent years building the skills, knowledge and capacities needed to help others that are in situations similar to what I was in. I trained in chronic pain recovery, pain reprocessing techniques, nervous system regulation, trauma healing, somatic body-based techniques and EFT tapping. I wove these elements together into a unique method - the Recalibration Effect - to help other professional women heal the emotional trauma that is showing up as physical pain, as quickly and effectively as possible.

A World traveler 

A Former international aid worker

Hold a Master's degree in Public Health from George Washington University

+ 10 years of experience implementing public health projects in West Africa


A Former international aid worker

International fusion dancer

Let's work together to liberate your pain-free life!